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Image by NASA

The treasures in our womb can be found in the depths of our emoceans.

Your body holds wisdom
through the compass of your intuition.
Your temple doors guard the living library that exists within your core.

Your golden keys carry the notes of your creative genius.
Through the song of your soul that calls for deeper communion,

both holy and whole.

You are a walking portal of Creation. 

A bridge between dimensions.

Your birthright is to birth life and new worlds into existence. 
Image by NASA Hubble Space Telescope




My last name (Concepcion) translates to conceive. But conception is not just the physical act of "reproduction", it is the art of conceptualizing and conceiving through every thought, emotion and idea into form. Through our aligned (or misaligned) actions, we are constantly conceiving our creations moment to moment. Our beliefs hold so much energetic power in what and how we create.


This has been my learning curve, and through the years I have gained so much wisdom through the experiences of my own creations. I have lived multiple lives and iterations in this incarnation, all leading me on this path of continuous evolution, and conscious conception.​


Like you, I am here to create a legacy.

For my star child, and for the future generations to come.




cosmic womb.jpg

You were created from billions of stars in the sky. An alchemical master-peace of the elements combined; handsewn by the Mother of nature herself. Webbed and weaved together into the intricate patterns of life. You are Her dreamcatcher. 




Between the realms of body and spirit, root and crown, shadow and light, masculine and feminine, logic and intuition, mind and heart. the oscillation of polarity is a part of living in this Earth school. Flowing in a sacred dance between yin and yang.


As we set ourselves free from our own cages, we discover the key is through integration. Creating coherence between our mind, body and spirit. Through balance, we bring our entire being into unison, creating an alchemical union to birth life from within.







"Jade is a wealth of cosmic connection and mysticism. She has a very articulate way of demonstrating how my fire is my medicine when I thought it needed to be tamed.
She connected more dots for me."

- Elyza B.

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