A year before I conceived my star child, I felt a strong call to visit Laniakea beach in Hawaii. Not realizing that this beach was named after the supercluster of galaxies home to the Milky Way and Virgo constellation. In Hawaiian, Laniakea translates to "immeasurable heaven". My star child had guided me to travel thousands of miles overseas to receive this activation.
Here's what this taught me...
We live in an energetic universe.
From the mycelium root system, to the neural synapses between cells, we are an extension of nature and are interconnected with the world around us.
We are made of stardust and the elements that create this organic universe. Our consciousness extends past our physical human form. For we are multidimensional in nature.
Every answer to our question lives deep within our cosmic DNA. Whispering through the voice of our intuitive intelligence inside of us.
In fact...

Your body holds innate wisdom. You are the living breathing legacy of your entire ancestral lineage in flesh and blood, and you are also the multidimensionality of your soul's experiences. Creation is your bearth rite.
"Jade has a bold, yet grounded presences that invites me to tap into my own wisdom, and fully trust that the answers I'm looking for are within me. I enjoy the way she challenges me to see past structures of everyday life and really think about who I am and what I'm here to do."
- Shelby W.

For the last several years, the world has been experiencing major collective shifts and awakenings to prepare us for the new leaders and visionaries incarnating into this world. These star children are here to create the foundation of a new ancient Earth as we witness the archaic systems of the old world collapse and dissolve. They bring profound spiritual, and psychic gifts and remind us of our own inherent powers that have long been dormant for many. As caregivers of these old souls, we are learning how to hold a higher frequency within our own body vessels to anchor in the high frequency of these star babies.
1:1 sessions
1 hr 30 min
222 US dollars1 hr 30 min
222 US dollars1 hr
144 US dollars
"Jade is a wealth of cosmic connection and mysticism. She has a very articulate way of demonstrating how my fire is my medicine when I thought it needed to be tamed."
- Elyza B.

Laniakea Beach

“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”
- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
(the book that changed my life)